Life is a Journey

It Is Written


Carlos Brandao

04 July


It is written. God commands, He is on His throne, and nothing and no one can ever stop His plans, which include the judgment of demons and the humans who walk with them on earth. The conclusion of this time is recorded. For those who observe what is happening, without burying their heads in the sand like ostriches, it is evident that the plans of evil beings are being carried out step by step according to the scriptures. They want to reset everything, to change what is right in the eyes of God to what is wrong, to silence all opposition, all under the guise of democracy.

If the scriptures are correct (and to this day none of the critics of the sacred text have found a failed biblical prophecy), then we are heading towards a world government that will persecute everyone who loves God. The Christian loves freedom and rejects oppression, loves life and rejects abortion, loves family and rejects disharmony, loves God to the point of obeying Him, loves people and hates what God hates, namely sin.

The absurd idea of choosing evil and rejecting God is nothing new. Noah, the one of the Ark, can attest to that. In his time, people lived normally, far from God, marrying and being given in marriage, until suddenly judgment came upon them.

For those who choose to turn their backs on God and what He loves, sooner or later, they will reap the consequences. Is God love? Yes. He proved it on the cross. However, God is also justice. The cross shows us the price of sin as well. God is not like some authorities in black robes who tear apart justice and condone the actions of the corrupt.

Everything indicates that the return of Jesus, this time not as a lamb, but as a lion, is approaching. The true love of Almighty God will triumph, and His justice will be done. Those who are against God will have a terrible destiny. Only God is God. The rest are creatures. Whoever is wise, seek Christ, make your life right with God, walk closely with Him, talk to Him daily, and be willing to suffer for His sake if necessary, for a little while, and then you will cross the bridge from the mortal world to the reality of an endless life of full joy, where there will be no more pain, suffering, or tears.

Incomparable Weapon

Carlos Brandao

27 Jan 2024


There are two powers. One is Almighty, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. It can do everything, knows everything, and is everywhere. It is entirely good, with no trace of corruption. It is thrice holy. It is entirely trustworthy. It proved its love for us on the cross. It does not abandon its children. It walks with us in the trials of life, as well as in moments of triumph and joy. It hears our prayers, knowing every word we address to it in prayer. When it acts, nothing and no one has the power to hinder its movement or prevent the response it gives us. There is no weapon more powerful than direct contact with God. From this contact, miracles, and changes in impossible situations can be expected.

The other being, the one that opposes everything that God represents, is not God. It is a created being that rebelled and wants to be worshiped as if it were God. But it is not. It surrounds itself with lies and deceit and, in its rebellion against God, seeks to destroy the pinnacle of divine creation, human beings. That’s why the Devil is said to come only to steal, kill, and destroy.

What we see today in Brazil is interesting because the material reflects what exists in the spiritual realm. The giant that needs to be awakened is not simply the Brazilian citizen. It is the Brazilian citizen who has contact with God. It may well be that God has allowed what is happening there so that this breed of citizens awakens. If they rise in prayer, if they kneel in prayer, Satan himself will retreat. And with demons neutralized, the humans linked to them will also be scattered, like a house of cards that collapses in a domino effect.

Evil fears an armed people and will do everything to strip citizens of their defense capabilities. Similarly, the Devil wants to prevent men from bending their knees before the Most High, as he well knows the power of prayers. We do need men in the right places, doing what needs to be done. However, the main thing cannot be overlooked. Problems need to be addressed not in the symptoms but at the source. In the cause. At the root. With the most powerful of all weapons. Let us make our prayers. Let us pray.

The Eleventh Hour


Carlos Brandao

03 Nov 2023


Many times we wonder whether we will be able to endure a crisis situation. How many of us have not been surprised to realize that we had no more strength to bear a storm, only to discover within ourselves the strength to survive one more minute, one more hour, one more day, one more week, one more month, one more year. God, who knows our true limit, acts at the critical moment and saves us from disaster at the eleventh hour.

The lack of human wisdom compared to God’s wisdom is clear. God knows better and uses even adverse circumstances to build our character, perfect our inner being, and transform us into better people, even if it means using everyday adversities. Material riches are of no value; what matters is what we take from here to the life that will last forever.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We have seen our faith and confidence tested frequently. He does not measure costs. God’s plans are perfect; His love is infinite for you and me, and therefore, we need to remain calm in the midst of the storm, learn to rest, and trust the Commander of the ship. He controls the winds and the waves, perfects us in the process, and will lead us to the safe harbor. The world witnesses an escalation of corruption, lies, violence, terrorism, and rumors of war.

He is our refuge in the midst of the storm. He makes adverse situations work in our favor. The worst that can happen to us is to die. And if we die with God, we go to paradise. If we turn our backs on God and embrace the corrupt system, we will go to eternal torment in the abyss of hell. It’s better to have temporary peace in the furnace with God than to temporarily enjoy the traps and false benefits of the Devil and then be tormented forever in hell.

God does not measure costs. He sacrificed Jesus on the cross for us. That is the greatest proof of love in the universe. We can trust in God. It’s worth seeking refuge in His arms. Liars, terrorists, and all those who follow evil will sooner or later face God’s judgment if they do not repent. There is a happy end. Read the Bible. Good wins. The Lord is just and invincible. He knows the right time to intervene. And at the eleventh hour, He will act.


The Bridge


Carlos Brandao

23 jun 23


Imagine two worlds. Separated by outer space. Planet Earth and Planet Mars, for example. There is no bridge between the two. If humans wish to travel between them, they would need a spacecraft where they can breathe, eat, endure the distance, and ultimately overcome the barrier of space.

Today, it is possible to live in two worlds simultaneously and to move between them. This privilege is within reach of everyone, but only one-third of the world’s population takes advantage of it. In one of the worlds, life is limited. For those who live here on this planet, life expectancy, as we find in the bible, is limited to around 80 to 100 years. Some surpass this mark, but they are the minority. A large portion is dying prematurely. For those who live with Jesus in the spiritual universe, the prospect of life is infinite; death is not the end but rather a gateway to be crossed between the two worlds. The bridge already exists, but it is not known to everyone, and at the same time, not everyone desires it. With blind eyes, they sleep, deceived by the distractions of this physical world, and ignore that without the bridge, one will arrive to a final destination facing intense pain and intense heat forever.

If it is possible for humans to build a spaceship to reach the planet Mars, even facing technological and time-challenging situations, it is not possible for humans to build a bridge to reach the good side after death.

The good news is that God has provided what would be impossible for humans. The solution to overcome death, internal cleansing, forgiveness, and a new body that will never perish. Not only that, but God has also made it possible to experience something of heaven here on Earth, within each person who chooses to walk with Jesus. It is a preview that gives us an idea of paradise already here on this planet, with access to peace and inner liberation that can only be found in the presence of God.

The decision to build the bridge was made on the other side. By sending Jesus to the cross, God made Christ the bridge between the two worlds. Men could never do that. Only God, in His mercy and love. Today, the bridge is open. Now it is up to each human being to decide to use it while they are alive. After death, the opportunity for decision is lost. Therefore, awaken, you who are sleeping, while you still can. Later, it may be too late.

A Resting Place


Carlos Brandao

08 April 2022


I remember the time when I used to travel overland with my family in North Africa and in Europe. Then we would travel from Marrakesh to Tangier and crossing the strait of Gibraltar on a ferry. Spend a couple of weeks with friends, in Spain or in Portugal, and then heading back. During summer vacations a lot of North Africans travel from Europe to North Africa. The Moroccan government would offer resting places along their national roads so to give the tired travelers some extra strength to complete their journey.

Many North Africans live in two worlds. In Europe they get married and have their families, and in North Africa, to where they go back to with their spouses and children to spend time with their ancestors, enjoying the love and drinking from the local culture. There is a massive flow of people at Algeciras, port of South Spain, from where they take a ferry to Tangier, the Moroccan port by the Mediterranean Sea. The families would take lots of gifts to distribute to their relatives in Africa. The crossing would take less than three hours. When they leave the ferry, they must endure the last leg of the journey, overland, until their final destination.

There are a number of pilgrims on planet Earth. Each one walking between two worlds. The physical one and the spiritual one. They can get tired while following the Lord on the narrow path where the local culture is not theirs. This journey can be quite challenging sometimes. But it is worth it. Many only perceive the material life, blind to the other universe where real freedom is a reality. They do not have eyes to recognize the spiritual reign. The seers, on the other hand, can sometime face adversities while living on a limited sphere, where its values are not equal to the higher ones from above. There is always a battle between the two realms. For the ones that would not give in, there is the supernatural peace and life within, offered to the true followers of the light. Here on Earth, one find the opportunity to grow and mature, and then one day, enter eternity solely by the grace of God, through Jesus Christ. If one want to come close to God, Jesus is the name to be called. Call him, and he will open the gate of heaven, and be the path to everyone truly searching the truth and the light. There is no other way. 

Along the road in our short pilgrimage on planet Earth, it is always good to know about a resting place available to every follower of the truth. God, in his love, is always ready to give rest to all his children. Each pilgrim’s heart becomes an oasis, by the presence of God himself. Our hearts becoming a holly and beautiful place, where God dwells and we can find love, comfort and live within, in perfect peace, enjoying the beatitude that is only possible in God’s presence.

Journey between two worlds


Carlos Brandao

31 May 2021 first published


We do not live only in one world. Our physical body is totally adapted to this planet. But in reality we were made to live forever. We are not our physical body. There is a bigger reality out there. There are more than what our physical eyes can see, or what we can touch. We have a mind, but also a spirit. The adventure is much bigger than living what we can cover with our five senses. There is an entire universe we can only touch with our inner being. When we die we will be able to pass though the eternal gate that was made ready for us, so we will walk as if there is a bridge from the material world into the spiritual one. But it is possible to touch this universe while still living inside our flesh. And that journey can begin here on planet earth, without experiencing death. Why I say this. It is because we were made by a spiritual being. He is spirit. He is pure, holy, just, lovely and almighty. And because of that, there is a spiritual nature inside us. Yes. We are not purely physically set up. That is why it is possible for us to touch two realms, to belong to a spiritual kingdom and still live on planet earth. We will never be happy living in the darkness, doing unholy deeds and hating people.

It is like discovering your capabilities. Your skills. When that perception comes to you, it may become like an awaking. One start to open his/hers eyes and understand things he/she only had a vague idea. As if you did not know you were an alien living in this planet called earth, and then somehow discovering your inheritance, and start to realize you do not need to feel sorry for your self because this feeling you have about not belonging to this system. You just do not fit in. Do not feel comfortable doing the things everybody else does. At least, not all the time. I mean, one can get use to doing things, but you are not just there.

It is OK to know you do not belong. It is OK to realize we are pilgrims, strangers, in this world. The system of this planet is evil. Its values are nor pure nor lovely. In fact, it encourage lies, death and destruction. The name of this system is Kingdom of Darkness. The system will do everything to stop you from opening your eyes to the truth. The system will try to stop you from getting free, and walking towards the light and the freedom. But it can not stop you from getting there. If you search, you will find it.

Then, when the time comes, the access to the heavenly gate that opens to the life that will never end is made available to all that accept Jesus Christ as his or her savior. He himself is the gate, but also the way, the truth and the light. This is possible by what happened in a cross, more than two thousand years ago. Nowadays it is possible to notice an increase on efforts from the system to block Jesus Christ and everything to do with his values.

There is a war between the two kingdoms. Not everyone can see what is happening. Some people only see what their earthly eyes can see. But it is true. This is the war between light and darkness. Love will prevail against hate. There will be a happy end. The Almighty will bring justice. The Prince of Darkness will be judged and together with all his followers will be punished. The Kingdom of Light will be established on all earth.

The explorer


Carlos Brandao

23 July 2019


When traveling abroad it is easy to find a surprising number of places worth a visit. In Morocco there are many different sites to explore. Treasures in nature and in culture. Delicious food and tastes you never heard about. The same happens in other countries. It is possible to keep exploring and still miss some amazing scenes. For some people, traveling is always great fun. Its not only a matter of getting to know the most famous touristic attractions, and may be practice winter or summer sports, but also discover how people behave, what make them laugh, getting to know and enjoy a typical family routine, how they enjoy life, the jokes they like to tell, how people salute one another, how they think. But if our health does not allow it, specially the long journeys when you need to stay inside an airplane for more than 10 hours, then it is also possible to use our memories and imaginations, without needing to actually travel to far away places. Reading a book helps, without getting physically exhausted. For the ones that like to explore the inner self, there are a lot of discoveries awaiting to be found.

It is important to know oneself. There are secrets to be revealed. Secrets that could be extremely important. Truth that would bring freedom. A knowledge that would provide a bridge to another universe. Where life would flow towards infinity. Some times its like being a prisoner of yourself and do not know the way out. You would like to improve, to become a better person, to overcome a difficult situation, to grow up, get more mature, but you do not know how.

There is a place, inside ourselves, where we find God. There, within, where God brings life with eternal quality. His presence makes all the difference, its like delicious food when you are hungry, or flesh water when you are thirsty. What he brings us is amazing. His love inside us end up satisfying all our needs. I hear people speaking about quality of life. But often inner life is not included. And when it is included, it seldom means a gate to spiritual life, the one that would overcome death itself. What about if some alien from the outer space arrives at your door and gives you the knowledge on how to live forever. Or gives you some seeds from a distant planet that, once cultivated, would produce fruits with immortal capabilities so anyone that would eat from them, would not die, but live forever. Wouldn’t it be amazing? Wouldn’t people think it will justify spending the last bit of money to buy it? So, why is that people now a days are not very keen to think about seriously learning how to cross the bridge to the other side, while they still can? Because the truth is. Life will not last forever. The life we life on planet earth is but a flash. We have the tendency to think we will last for a very long time. When in reality, life is quite fragile, and goes away very quickly. It soon disappears.
